Sunday, February 27, 2011

Where have the days gone?

Oh yeah, minecraft. I've been stuck to my computer for the past week tediously gathering materials, building structures, and avoiding certain death (and a 20 min walk from the SMP spawn to my house!). What's the payback anyways? Well, infinite possibility I guess. The glory of minecraft is in it's total sandbox nature. You can spend your whole time mining and searching for precious ore, you can build elaborate structures and houses, slay monsters, go on adventures with your friends, hunt animals, the list goes on...

I'm pretty proud of my cute little cottage!

The bedroom, dubbed, "The Sex Room"


The kitchen, complete with secret basement entrance behind the paintings!

My lovely outdoor hot tub, heated by lava. 


Minecraft isn't complete without custom avatars, and I've made my share. This is Derpy, who seems to be infecting my brain lately.

  Of course I'm still obsessed with MLP!!! I've actually been glued to the MLP flockdraw, and I don't think I'll be leaving anytime soon.

It's a little addictive!

 I've got a very large scale project in the works right now. Here's a hint: ZOMBIES! Lots and lots of zombies!!! The only thing that would push me to be so masochistic and dream up such a large project is, of course, my awesome illustration professor.  He's been helping me break some bad drawing habits lately, and I've been doing some exciting stuff for him! My past series of illustrations for Little Red Riding hood came out really nice, but of course I used the wrong paper for my ink painting! And, of course I used to wrong paper the second time I painted it! D'OH!!

Here's a bad photo of one of the images, I will take it out of the mat and scan it eventually .. .. .. Also a pony doodle and secret sneak peak of some zombie sketches!


Did I mention that I love Apple Jack? <3 Yeah, I'll probably do all the ponies in this style at some point. I just can't help myself!

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