Saturday, April 23, 2011

I've transfered my internet presence to livejournal/tumblr.  No need to update bookmarks! --->

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ass. Deep.

I swear I will be an actionscript/flash expert by next year. I am ASS DEEP in these books. (the O'REILLY series of books on flash cs4 and actionscript 3.0)

Of course I'm still good at distracting myself with doodles that didn't even touch flash. *__*

(hard at work... sorta.)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring is the WORST

Cracking open the books today, nursing a wicked sinus headache. My eyes are watering, gah!

Pokemon from last night:


I can't wait to be done with this semester, I want to focus my full attention on book learnin' and ass kickin'.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

dream diary

I completed Yume Nikki the other day, what a pleasure that game is. There is one simple goal; find everything. You really get lost in the trippy visuals and haunting looped tracks. Throughout the game you collect "effects" that transform your character.

This is the protagonist Madotsuki with the "frog effect".

I've been steadily adding more pokemon to my collection, don't forget to check them out.